What Is Casement Windows

how to install casement window


  • Prepare the rough opening in the wall to the proper casement window size
  • Apply a moisture barrier around the opening
  • Set the casement window unit into the opening and level it
  • Secure the window with screws into the framing studs
  • Insulate around the window and seal with caulk
  • Install interior and exterior trim

how to clean casement windows from inside?

To clean casement windows from inside:
Tilt the sash inwards or remove it if possible for easier access
Use a soft brush and mild soap/water solution to gently scrub the glass
For hard water stains, use a vinegar solution or commercial glass cleaner
Wipe down vinyl or aluminum frames with a damp cloth
Clean the sash tracks and weep holes to allow proper drainage

how to seal casement windows?

To properly seal casement windows:
Check weatherstripping and replace if worn or damaged
Caulk around the exterior window trim to prevent air/water leaks
Use a high-quality exterior grade caulk made for windows
On the interior, caulk around the window casing trim

what is a casement window?

A casement window is a type of window that is hinged on one side to allow it to open outwards like a door, rather than sliding vertically or horizontally. The entire window sash swings out to provide full ventilation. Casement windows offer good airflow and are easy to operate.

how to fabricate a casement window?

To fabricate a casement window from scratch for a custom opening:
Take precise measurements of the rough opening
Cut the frame pieces (head, sill, jambs) to size from quality aluminum
Cut the sash pieces and join together with mortise/tenon or dowel joints
Install weatherstripping and hardware (hinges, crank operators)
Add glazing (glass panes) using glazing compound or gaskets
Assemble the complete unit, including screens if desired